Tag: #LovingPeopleBetter #ProjectBrightPath #Herefordshire #Hereford  #PaulVicary #MentalHealth #Roughsleepers #Worcestershire #TurningPointHereford #StPaulsHostel #VenntureHereford.

Herefordshire Volunteering

Join Vennture: Making a Difference Together! 🌟 At Vennture, we’re on a mission to find innovative ways to support our community and...

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Thankful Tuesday

Tuesday thanks, wonderful feedback from a lady who is being supported by one of our Fresh Starts Link Workers. “I want to...

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Merton Donations

What a lovely way to finish on a Friday, a big thank you to Mark and Phil owners of the independent shop...

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Three men outside shop
Herefordshire Homeless Hub

Our community is collaborating to support the Herefordshire homeless population at Hereford City Church’s cafe Union Coffee. Annemarie is coordinating Herefordshire Homeless...

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