Vennture News

May Fair and Bank Holiday’s funny.

May is traditionally a busy month for our Street Teams so if you see our teams out over the bank holiday weekends and coming weeks come over and say hello, we are always here to chat. Do you know what we do and how we can help?
Street Teams actively engage with people on the streets, aiming to make communities safer. We do this by;
The wonderful Sarah, Cheryl and Anthony
1. Caring and Listening: a listening ear to those who want to talk. They provide emotional support and offer practical assistance.
2. Hydration, Safety, and Warmth: We give out bottles of water and blankets to those at risk of exposure or hypothermia and flop flops to those after a night out.
3. First Aid: Provide first aid, on the street and triage them to Lean on Me (our safe space) or A&E, as appropriate.
4. Connecting People; Last year our Street Teams supported 600 people on the streets of Hereford, listening and connecting people with the right help at the right time.